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Five Client Experience trends for law firms to consider in 2023

by Shaun Cremins | January 24, 2023

A guest blog by Shaun Cremins, CX director at insight6, the Customer Experience (CX) specialists

As we progress into 2023, firms face a difficult crossroads. Inflation has consumers on edge, staffing and skills shortages impact frontline services, and technology continues to grow and evolve. But even with all of these changes and challenges, the best client experiences are focused on one thing: people.

It’s never been more important to understand your clients and be willing and able to change and evolve.


In this article CX specialists insight6 look at the expected trends that may impact firms in 2023.

• In 2023, self-service options will soar and expand to short videos and voice memos to allow clients to solve problems and get answers on their own time. Consumers now expect an appropriate communication platform to be in place 24 hours a day, to suit their availability, and firms that cannot offer such a solution risk losing valuable enquiries to competitors that do have this in place.

• Have you heard of the term Phygital? Phygital experiences that blur the line between physical and digital will reign supreme in 2023 and expand to new industries, especially banking, insurance, and law. Clients want the efficiency of digital whilst still having access to real people at certain stages of their client journey.

• Non-essential spending will decrease, and consumers will carefully consider where they do spend their money this year. Firms need to showcase empathy and build relationships for the future. Every client utilising your services is very likely to share their experience with at least 10 other people (which could easily reach at least 1500 people if shared on social channels), therefore it’s essential their experience is a positive one and appropriate to their needs.

• The rise of proactive and predictive client care. Simply responding rapidly to client queries isn’t enough in today’s fast-paced landscape. Consumers are increasingly looking for companies that can use tools like predictive modelling and automation to eliminate problems before they ever happen. Client Journey Mapping tools along with historical and real time data help develop strategies for success. This will enable firms to stay one step ahead of their client’s needs and even reach out to them before they need to call for assistance.

• Client Experience and Employee Experience are two sides of the same coin. As part of a comprehensive client experience strategy, firms will invest more heavily in tools that engage, empower, and inform employees. Virtual assistants are emerging to make it easier for employees to access crucial information from CRM platforms during client calls. In 2023, any effective strategy for CX must consider the employee experience and how the two concepts go hand-in-hand to boost satisfaction.

2023 is undoubtedly going to be a challenging year for all firms but aligning your strategy with the key needs of your clients must remain a priority.

About insight6

insight6 are the only Customer Experience (CX) specialists in the UK and Ireland with 25 experts across the country supporting over 1000 clients. They design and deliver some of the most advanced feedback programmes in the world. Having conducted over 300,000 Customer Experience Reviews and Customer Surveys, they are able to rapidly transfer their knowledge and expertise to create the perfect Customer Experience Improvement programme.

Find out more.



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