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3 Reasons Online Reviews Grow Your Client Base

by LawNet | March 01, 2019
In this guest blog, Michael Hanney of ReviewSolicitors looks at the influence of online reviews.
Online reviews are a powerful marketing tool for attracting clients to your firm.  In fact, they may be the most powerful option currently available to you, because people treat them as personal recommendations.  So, in this way, you are exponentially increasing the power of word of mouth via the internet. 

Another factor to keep in mind with reviews, is that more and more consumers are ‘expecting’ to find them.  Regardless of the service or product, consumers actively seek out reviews to help them make their decisions.  In short, a failure to provide reviews will alienate a large percentage of potential clients.  Not something any firm can afford to do.  Let's look at three important reasons that online reviews help grow your client base.
They Build Trust
Trust is the Holy Grail in client acquisition.  When clients have developed a sense of trust in you and your skills, this is a truly powerful incentive to convince them to hire you.  Remember I mentioned that most people view online reviews in the same way as a personal recommendation?  Well, according to the most recent 2016 Bright Local survey, 9 out of 10 people treat them in this way.  This is the source of power in online reviews, and why they are so effective.
They Demonstrate Transparency
The simple fact is, clients don't like to be left out of the process.  The sense of ‘limbo’ is uncomfortable and wondering what is happening with their case causes stress.  On top of this, is the worry of receiving bills with unexpected costs.  Obviously, this is a distinct dissatisfaction that clients hope to avoid.  They do this by attempting to ascertain the level of transparency they will receive with the firm they decide to engage, through seeking out reviews to read the experiences of previous clients.
If you were a potential customer and you saw the following review, what opinion would you form?
"We couldn't be happier with ABC Law.  They kept us updated continually and let us know well ahead of time of any changes or upcoming fees.  It felt like they really cared to ensure we had the information we needed about our case."
I'm guessing you would feel comfortable knowing that you will be well taken care of, and that there will be no costly unanticipated expenses.  It's a very short step from this position to one of paying client.
They Increase Your Credibility
Here are two ways in which you can harness the power of online reviews to increase your credibility:
• Put your positive reviews front and centre. What your clients say about you carries more cachet than what you say about yourself.  With reviews, your clients speak on your behalf and do the job of convincing for you.
• Use a third-party hosting platform to dramatically increase your credibility.  Reviews hosted on your own site are met with a critical eye from today's savvy consumers.  But third-party platforms ensure the client that the reviews are, in fact, real and believable.
Get Started Today
There you have it.  Three ways in which online reviews grow your client base.  Through the building of trust, transparency and credibility, reviews give prospective clients the confidence they need to choose your firm from amongst your competition.
LawNet recommends using ReviewSolicitors to showcase your reviews and online reputation. Learn about your options and get started!